Showing all 4 results

Faber Castell Ambition Coconut Wood – Fine Steel Nib

Faber Castell Ambition Coconut Wood Condition: 3. Very Good Nib: Fine Steel Filling System: C/C (Included)

Graf Von Faber Castell Petrified Wood Pen of the Year 2007 – 18k Medium Nib

Original price was: $2,700.00.Current price is: $2,299.00.
Graf Von Faber Castell Petrified Wood Pen of the Year 2007 Condition: Good (B) Nib: 18k Medium Filling System: Piston

Graf Von Faber Castell Tamitio Black – Rollerball

Graf Von Faber Castell Tamitio Black Condition: 3. Very Good Nib: Rollerball Filling System: Cartridge Only

Faber-Castell Guilloche Pink – 18k Medium Nib

Faber-Castell Guilloche Pink Condition: 3. Very Good Nib: 18k Medium Filling System: C/C (Included)